Saturday, December 14, 2019 Isaiah 30:18
18 Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you;
therefore he will rise up to show mercy to you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
blessed are all those who wait for him.
The Incredible Journey
In 1963 Sheila Burnford’s book The Incredible Journey was made into a movie. In the 70s, when I was about 7, the movie was broadcast on TV, commercial free, as a special event. My parents were excited to see this movie with us and planned an experience to watch it on the “good tv” on the 3rd floor of our home. They were excited, my sister was excited, I think even our Siamese cat Dara was excited. Everyone was excited, except me. You see the day that the movie was to be broadcast was also the day that the Osmond’s TV show was having a special episode to celebrate Marie’s birthday. I, a devoted Osmond fan, wanted to watch it. My parents let me make my own choice and patiently waited for me to make the right choice. My mom waited to sit beside me, and my family, to watch the movie. I never came. I chose the Osmond’s. I chose to myself over my family.
Just as my mom waited for me that night God continually waits for us. God hopes that we’ll make right choices and that God’s mercy can be shown on us, but the reality is that we always chose the Osmond’s. Fortunately for us God, as with my mother, loves us despite making bad choices. Through the shedding of Christ’s blood God has been gracious to us, God’s mercy is truly extended to us and God’s justice is extended to us.
Let us pray. Most holy and gracious God. Today we thank you for waiting for us. We thank you that you choose us even though we often don’t choose to follow your will. We are thankful that through Jesus Christ, you extend to us your mercy. In your son’s holy name, we pray. Amen
Submitted by: Rebecca Sol