125 Years Emmanuel

oldchurchFrom “The History of Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Norwood, 1898-1998” by Reverend Dr. Raymond H. Kask, late Pastor Emeritus:

“On April 2, 1898, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nils August Peterson, 12 Cedar Street (the house still stands) there gathered these people:  Carl P. Johnson, Charles J. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Johnson and family, John Lindgren, Matts Erickson, Erik Carlson, Emil Gustafson, Erik A. Sundquist, Mrs. Mathilda Gardell, Erik A. Carlson, Miss Adelia C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Edla Johnson and daughters, Miss Josephine Johnson and Miss Ida Johnson.  Present as pastoral guide was the Reverend C.F. Johansson of Emmanuel Church, Boston.  They were determined to have their own church for worship as Lutherans and they wanted religious education for their children… They did organize and incorporated in Massachusetts on April 11…They bought land on Cedar Street and within eight months had begun to build and dedicated the church on April 30, 1899.  The church still stands…

On April 14, 1938, ground was broken for the building of the present church.  On June 5, 1938, the cornerstone was laid.  This was only the 40th anniversary of Emmanuel…On September 4, 1938, the first service was held in the Sunday School room of the present church…On June 25, 1939, the church was dedicated… The Parish Hall was dedicated on October 14, 1956.”

Although the outward appearance of the present church building remains virtually unchanged since 1956, the congregation has grown from a small group of Scandinavian founders to welcome people of all backgrounds who share a common set of beliefs and want to be part of a warm and caring community.