Giving at Emmanuel

We are pleased to offer a secure online giving option so that you can make a donation or fulfill your pledge to Emmanuel. You may make your donation using either a credit card or direct bank transfer. A listing of the available funds is below. If you would like to make a donation to fulfill your pledge please select “Envelope Giving”. Online giving is operated and secured by Vanco/Realm.

Click Here to Give to Emmanuel Lutheran Church Electronically

Description of Funds

Envelope Giving – The fund helps to support our yearly operational expenses. This fund should be selected to fulfill pledged commitments. 

Capital Improvement Fund – The Capital Improvement Fund is used to make improvements to the church building and grounds, including major renovations and repairs.  

Mission Fund – The purpose of the Mission Fund is to provide funding for mission work at home and around the world, above and beyond the programs supported through regular offerings. This Fund creates opportunities for expanded ministry and services in the Lord’s name through giving that is earmarked specifically for mission work. For more information on the Mission Fund, please click here

Program Fund – This fund has been established to support the educational activities of the congregation and to provide a source of financial assistance to those members with legitimate need

Matthew 25 Fund – This is Pastor Amanda’s discretionary fund used to assist members of Emmanuel and the community in times of need.

Memorial Gift – This may be used if making a donation to Emmanuel in memory or in honor of a loved one.  Please be sure to indicate the name of the individual in whose name the donation is being offered in the memo field

Lutheran World Relief – Quilt & Kit Shipping — This fund is used to help offset the cost in shipping quilts and kits made by Emmanuel to the distribution center in Baltimore.

ELCA World Hunger Appeal – Working through ELCA congregations, global companion churches, The Lutheran World Federation and other partners like Bread for the World, Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and Lutheran World Relief, the ELCA reaches more places more effectively than we could ever do alone. In addition to funding relief and development projects that assist our sisters and brothers in need, we engage members of the ELCA in education and advocacy to help change the systems that perpetuate poverty.

Additional seasonal funds, such as Souper Bowl of Caring, Easter Flowers, etc will be added and removed from the form as appropriate.

Click Here to Give to Emmanuel Lutheran Church Electronically If you prefer, you may send a check to the church office using the memo line to indicate what fund you would like the money applied to.