NEWS (Page 17)

Fireside Coffeehouse – Feb 17

Join us for a Friday night Fireside Coffeehouse on February 17th at 7:30 p.m. Come and listen or come and play! $5 donation at the door goes to a church music fund. Refreshments provided. If you are a musical soloist, duo, or trio and would like to perform as part of the afternoon lineup, please…

Work Day – Feb 11th

Upcoming Work Day – As we begin a new year we have decided to schedule our 2017 Property Work Days for the year. We hope that getting the word out early helps folks place these events on their calendars and make a point to give a hand.  Our first one is for Saturday, February 11th. …

Winter Camp – Calumet Feb 19 to Feb 23

Calumet’s Winter Camp still has room for more kids! When?  Sunday February 19th – Thursday February 23rd, 2017. This program is an opportunity for campers aged 11 and over to come on up to Calumet and experience all that we have to offer in the wintertime. There’s nothing quite like Calumet in the wintertime, so…

Souper Bowl of Caring (Feb 5th)

After the worship services on  February 5th our Confirmation students will be collecting money and the food items listed below. The food items and the money will be donated to a hunger fighting agency chosen by the Confirmation students. Please give generously to help feed the hungry.  Here are some items that food pantries frequently need:…

Showing of the movie Luther (Feb 4th)

We begin our celebrations for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation with a showing of the movie, Luther, which gives a compelling overview of the events in Martin Luther’s life before and after the posting of the 95 theses.  Luther is rated PG13 and is appropriate viewing for teenagers and adults.  There are images of…