Reformation 500th Anniversary


With Lutherans around the world and in our own ELCA, Emmanuel will be holding several events and activities to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, all leading up to a big celebration of Reformation Sunday on October 29, 2017

Upcoming Events

October 14th 9-2 Women of the ELCA Reformation Celebration at Christ the King in Holliston

October 22nd 12:30 Showing of Rick Steves Luther and the Reformation Video — pot luck lunch followed by the movie

October 29th 10:00am Emmanuel Reformation Service followed by Brunch. (Don’t forget to wear Red!)

October 29th 4:30pm Boston Metro Conference Evening Prayer Celebration of the Reformation – St. John Sudbury

November 5th 3pm Ecumenical (Roman Catholic & Lutheran) Worship Service. Cathedral of St Mary in Fall River

Reformation in the News

  • Joint letter from Bishop Hazelwood and Cardinal Sean O’Malley 500threformation900x300_6a6d208cdc9d2d86c5bb07fb631952c1In the spirit of unity, Bishop James Hazelwood of the New England Synod of the ELCA and Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston have written a letter to Lutherans and Catholics in New England, urging them to use Pope Francis’s encyclical on conservation and the environment as a starting point for the joint observance of the anniversary of the Reformation.“Our common ground lies in the life-giving Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,” write Bishop Hazelwood and Cardinal O’Malley. “We share one baptism into Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior … As we proceed toward this observance, we give thanks for our mutual baptism into Christ Jesus and our irrevocable commitment to full visible unity. For this we must all work and pray.” Read the full letter
  • 1517 Media Knowledge Resources Want to enhance your knowledge of Martin Luther and his theology to learn more about the events and activities surrounding the Reformation?  1517 Media, formerly known as The Augsburg Fortress, has an excellent selection to get you started.  Check it out here
  • Joint Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation Catholics and Lutherans joined together in Sweden on Oct 31, 2016 to celebrate the Reformation together.  Watch the event here


  • Did Martin Luther mean to start a revolution? Read this fascinating article discussing Martin Luther and whether  he thought he was starting a revolution.
  • Around the ELCA The ELCA has a lot of events, activities, and literature that they’ll be sharing all year.  See what is happening here


Around the World Click on the map to the right to see go to Lutheran World’s interactive map which tells how the Reformation expanded around the world