Traditional Service


The traditional service takes place at 8:45 AM on Sundays during our program year.  For 2016, our summer worship consists of one service starting at 9:30 AM. It begins on May 22nd and will conclude September 4th.

The traditional service usually follows the following format:

Welcome, Processional Hymn, Greeting, Kyrie, Prayer of the Day

Word –  Readings from the Hebrew scriptures, New Testament, and the Gospel


Hymn of the Day, Creed

Prayers of the People

The Peace

The Offering

The Communion Meal – All who are baptized into Christ are welcome to the meal.  We believe that Jesus is truly present in the giving and receiving of the bread and cup.  Those who prefer to abstain or have not yet received first Holy Communion may come forward for a blessing; please cross your arms on your chest if this is the case.



Recessional Hymn
